


The Ask:

Sonos required a systematic approach to naming their existing and upcoming line of speakers, especially as they incorporated voice technology. They sought an innovative naming solution after previous attempts with another firm didn't yield satisfactory results.

The Answer:

Working at Chapter SF, I conducted stakeholder interviews, brand surveys, and ideation sprints to understand Sonos's brand essence and product features. For the new product, I proposed the name "Beam," highlighting both its sleek form factor and capability to transmit voice data. I also streamlined the naming system for existing products, suggesting the Play 1 be renamed to "One" and the Connect:Amp to "Amp," thereby simplifying and clarifying the product hierarchy for easier consumer understanding and aiding in the introduction of future products.

The Result:

Sonos adopted the recommended naming system and product names. "Beam" was well-received for its conciseness and relevance to the product's functionality. The renaming of Play 1 to "One" and Connect:Amp to "Amp" brought clarity and coherence to the product line, aiding customers in better understanding the product offerings. This new naming strategy not only reinforced Sonos's brand identity but also streamlined their product portfolio, setting a solid foundation for future expansions.